Saturday, February 28, 2009

Headers & Backgrounds

I've decided to do some blog designs because I love doing it so much! I' m hoping to get better with experience and learning what people want! So I appreciate all the feedback good and bad that you may want to give (even if you don't use my designs). Anything you would like to see? Particular themes or colors? In these samples the top part is a header that I will customize with the words you want and pictures if you like, though some allow for pictures better than others, I can rearrange the wording easily. The bottom part is three or four different backgrounds that can be used in the main background (and some as column backgrounds). Just email me using the email link on the side with the design you want and what wording and pictures you want in it and I will get it to you as soon as I can. If there is something particular you have in mind that you would like me to try to create for you I'd be glad to do that as well! I will be adding more as time goes on. These are free I just ask that you put my button on your blog if you use them!

This one I added only has the one background.



Vines & Branches




Sweet Blessings said...

Great job Erica!! I was wondering what your other blog was about! I need HELP to organize my blog!! Let's get together sometime! I'll post something for you on my blog if you'd like:) Blessings! Amanda

E @ Scottsville said...

You go girl! I like 'em! =0)

The best part about it is they're all "originals". I like to design my own stuff too so that nobody's will ever look like MINE. Ya know?

Great creative streak ya got going!